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Machine Learning Engineer
Fatemeh Alsadat Anami
Fatemeh Alsadat Anami is a Machine Learning Engineer at Anubrain Technology. She has more than 10 years of work experience and is proficient in machine learning, deep learning, and transfer learning. She has completed a Master of Science (MS) in E-Commerce from Amir Kabir University of Technology, Tehran.
Professional Skills
Experience & Activities
Fatemah is a passionate data scientist having experience in predictive modeling, and data processing algorithms to solve challenging business problems. She has knowledge of Python and various types of machine-learning and deep-learning techniques.
- Machine Learning
- Deep Learning
- Transfer Learning
- Natural Language Processing
- Computer Vision
- Data Visualization
- Python Programming
- Data Analysis
- Statistics
- SharePoint
- Power BI
- Machine learning
- Deep learning
- Natural language processing
- Reinforcement learning
- Chatbot development
- Computer Vision
- Objects Detection
- Image Classification
- Image-Text Analysis
- Sentiment Analysis
- Fraud Detection