Internet of Things (IoT): Introduction To Basics and Applications

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the network of physical objects—“things”—that are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies. The IoT-enabled devices are capable of connecting and exchanging data with other devices and systems over the Internet. They have a wide range of applications across industries including healthcare, retail, and home appliances.

Fatemeh Alsadat Anami
April 27, 2023 – 5 min read

Imagine this situation. You are heading to work. You realize that you might not have turned off the air conditioner while leaving your house. Instead of traveling all the way back home, what if you could use your smartphone to know the status of your AC? You may even turn it off. This may sound like sci-fi. But it is possible.

And what makes it possible is known as the Internet of Things (IoT).

What is the Internet of Things?

IoT is a system of connected devices that transfer and receive data via the internet. The devices require a Wi-Fi connection to do the magic. Thus, the system is capable of communicating and sharing information with each other, thus executing important tasks easily.

An interesting example is a coffee machine, which can make a cup of coffee of your choice just by taking input from your smartphone. It is connected to Wi-Fi and receives the signal to make coffee when you initiate it on your phone.

What is the Future of IoT?

The volume of IoT (Internet of Things) devices is constantly growing. According to a report, there were an estimated 10 billion IoT devices in 2020, which is projected to grow to 21.5 billion devices by 2025.

This includes a variety of devices such as smart home appliances, wearable technology, industrial sensors, and more. The growth of IoT is expected to continue as technology advances and more industries adopt IoT solutions.

Another report states that there were over 8,000 companies providing IoT solutions and services in 2020. These companies included both established technology giants as well as smaller startups offering specialized IoT products and services.

In 2020, the top IoT companies, including Amazon Web Services, Microsoft, Google, IBM, and Cisco, generated billions of dollars in revenue from IoT-related products and services.

Meanwhile, smaller IoT startups and niche players may generate less revenue but may still have a significant impact on the market in their respective industries.

This hints that the IoT market is highly competitive, with companies offering a range of solutions including hardware, software, connectivity, and analytics for various industries and applications.

However, the revenue generated by companies providing IoT services varies widely depending on the size, type, and scope of services offered.

Now, there are various factors driving the growth of the IoT market. This includes (but is not limited to) the increasing adoption of IoT devices across various industries, the growing demand for data analytics and cloud computing, and the increasing focus on operational efficiency and cost savings.

What are the best examples of IoT?

While IoT is slowly penetrating each and every industry, there are certain areas where it is doing exceptionally well. The best examples of IoT are discussed below.

Smart Homes

Home appliances like ACs, doorbells, thermostats, smoke detectors, water heaters, locks, and security alarms are powered by IoT. They have Wi-Fi connectivity and share data with the user over a mobile application. The user can control these devices, get notifications about their maintenance and repair, perform actions, etc with their smartphones.

It goes a step ahead as devices interact and work with one another. For example, in the morning you have an alarm on your phone to wake you. The interconnected IOT devices can open the window blinds, turn on the coffee pot for you, and even turn on the water heater.


Fitness trackers, smartwatches, and blood pressure monitors are some popular IoT devices that track important health data. An individual can share this data with their healthcare providers and even get real-time insights.

Besides this, IoT-enabled medical devices like pacemakers, can provide real-time health data to healthcare professionals. This can help them provide more personalized and timely care.


By using IoT devices such as sensors and cameras, manufacturing units can achieve improved productivity and efficiency. These devices can collect and share real-time data on machines and equipment. Thus, they can enable manufacturers to detect and fix problems before they cause downtime.


IoT-powered vehicles can communicate with each other and with traffic management systems. It helps drivers to avoid traffic jams and accidents and reach their destinations as fast as they can.

IoT-enabled logistics systems can track the location of goods in real time. This ensures timely and accurate delivery, saving a lot of resources and cost for the logistics company.


IoT devices enable farmers to track and manage their farms in a more efficient manner. The IoT-enabled sensors can measure soil moisture, temperature, and nutrient levels. They can provide farmers with real-time data that assists to optimize crop growth and crop yield.

Smart Farming- IoT Applications in Agriculture

Energy Management

IoT devices such as smart grids can track and manage energy distribution, providing real-time data on energy usage. It can help consumers track, manage, and control their energy usage. In the commercial sector, IoT-enabled sensors can optimize energy consumption, reduce energy waste, and bring down costs.


IoT devices are helping retailers optimize their operations. They can track customer behavior and preferences, enabling retailers to provide personalized recommendations and promotions. Apart from this, these devices can be used for inventory management. They can track inventory levels in real time, ensuring that products are always in stock.

Smart Cities

IoT devices can provide real-time data on traffic, air quality, and energy usage, helping cities become more efficient and sustainable. Smart traffic management systems can optimize traffic flow. Smart streetlights can reduce energy waste. IoT-enabled waste management systems can optimize waste collection, reduce costs, and improve sustainability.

All this sounds fascinating. There’s a lot that goes on in the background to ensure seamless functioning. IoT involves effective communication between devices to process the data received with accuracy. There are many components involved in the context of IoT devices.

What are the components of IoT devices?

The IoT system has the following components:

General Devices

General devices are the main components of the data hub and information exchange. They connect either by wire or wireless interfaces. Home appliances are a classic example of such devices.

Sensing Devices

They include sensors and actuators. They measure the temperature, humidity, light intensity, and other parameters to take the required actions. They connect to the network with the help of gateways.


The gateways are processing nodes. They process the information collected from the sensors and transfer it to the cloud. The cloud acts as both the storage and processing unit. Actions take place on the collected data for further learning. Gateways use Wired and wireless interfaces like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, ZigBee, and GSMS to provide connectivity.

Conclusion: What Now, What Next?

With better monitoring and analytical capabilities, IOT is empowering many industries. It is opening doors to endless applications and lowering the burden on humans.

Some popular applications of IoT include smart homes, wearables, and smart cars. It is also being used for smart farming, smart retail, smart grids, smart city, and smart healthcare.

The future of it looks more promising than ever before. 

If you too have any requirements for IoT-enabled solutions, feel free to contact us. We will be happy to assist you.

Fatemeh Alsadat Anami is a Machine Learning Engineer at Anubrain Technology. She has more than 10 years of work experience and is proficient in machine learning, deep learning, and transfer learning. She has completed a Master of Science (MS) in E-Commerce from Amir Kabir University of Technology, Tehran.

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